The Coronavirus was the main driver of acute food insecurity in Africa


More than 100 million people in Africa face catastrophic levels of food insecurity, according to a new Red Cross report.

The report issued by the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), said Africa has long been suffering from food insecurity.

It is caused by many factors, such as conflict, insecurity, locust infestation, lack of rain, climatic factors, and market instability.

In addition to disasters that contribute to reduced production and access to nutritious foods.

The report also stated that “the Covid-19 pandemic has also been the main driver of acute food insecurity in rural and urban areas in most African countries”.

“In East Africa, worse outcomes are expected until at least May 2021 in most of the region.

That is (Northeast Somalia, South Sudan and Ethiopia – including the Tigray region) due to conflict, displacement, and long-term macroeconomic challenges.


In addition to the economic effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, multiple climate shocks and the continuous increase of desert locusts”.

The report stated areas affected by conflict and civil insecurity, particularly in Lake Chad and the Liptako Gourma region.

That is, (the three border regions between Niger, Burkina Faso, and Mali), and Northeast, North Central and Northwest Nigeria.

They all suffer from limited access to land and other means of production.

He added that the regions in West Africa and the Sahel region are witnessing an “unprecedented state of food insecurity in terms of the size of the increase that they represent”.


More than 159 percent and 126 percent of people suffer from acute food insecurity and food insecurity.

This is compared to the average for the past five years, that is, between (2015-2020).

According to the report, over one year, there was an increase of about 80% for the current period, and 18% for the dry season (June-August).

Although the year is considered good in terms of rainfall conditions and pastoral agricultural production.

The organization also said that “there is no time to waste,” and urged immediate action in terms of speed and size, saying:

“We call for bold, collective action by sequencing the humanitarian response and placing it in long-term strategic stages towards the goal of ending hunger”.