Tourists in the Turkish state of Sakarya were alone in strolling and enjoying the beauty of Lake Sapanca, in light of the authorities imposing a curfew on Sundays to combat the Corona epidemic and exempting foreign tourists from it.
Amidst the spring weather and the fresh air in the state, tourists, mostly Arabs, flocked to the streets of the town of Sapanca and its famous lake, taking advantage of the beautiful weather and the empty streets of pedestrians.
Along the coast of Sapanca Lake, tourists strolled enjoying the greenery of the area and the beauty of the lake, while a number of boats organized a tour of the lake from the areas near the shore.
Sapanca, famous for its lake, charming nature, and proximity to Istanbul, is one of the most famous tourist destinations in Turkey, and it is visited by local and foreign visitors.
And in early June, Turkey eased the closure restrictions in the country to include a daily curfew between 22.00 at night until 05.00 in the morning, with a complete ban on Sundays.