Antalya receives more than a million tourists with safe tourism


Antalya, with its model of “Safe Tourism”, is one of the cities that hosts the largest number of tourists in the world despite the spread of the Coronavirus.

In September 2020, one million and 17 thousand 804 tourists arrived in Antalya.

As of January 1, a total of 2 million 576,000 537 tourists from 163 countries had been reached.

 831 million of this number are Russian tourists.

According to the data of the Culture and Tourism Directorate, Antalya managed to exceed one million tourists in September. One million and 17,804 tourists from 147 countries arrived in Antalya, including 995,000 foreigners and 21,000 Turkish tourists residing abroad.

And compared to September last year, when the number of tourists reached 2 million and 239 thousand tourists, there was a decrease of 54% due to the Coronavirus.

Half of the tourists in September are from Russia

The country with the largest number of tourists in September was the Russians, with a share of 51 percent. Where 517 thousand 40 Russian tourists came to Antalya.

In second place, Ukraine brought in 169,244 tourists, or 17 percent.

In addition to 81 thousand 615 tourists from England, which ranked third, 61 thousand tourists from Germany ranked fourth, and 28 thousand tourists from Poland.

Total tourists exceeded 2.5 million

As of January 1, tourists from 163 countries came to Antalya.

The number of tourists exceeded 13 million in the same period last year, after a significant decline after the suspension of flights since March due to the Coronavirus.

In the same period of this year, the total number of tourists in Antalya was 2 million 576 thousand 537 tourists. A decrease of 10 million and 429 thousand tourists, by 80%.