It has been announced that Huawei’s chief financial officer, Mıng Vancou, has reached an agreement with the US Department of Justice.
In news in the US press, it was reported that charges against Huawei CFO Mıng Vancou will be heard in Brooklyn Federal Court today.
Mıng is expected to plead guilty to some charges as part of the deal that will allow him to return to China and says it may pave the way for the release of diplomat Michael Kovrig.
Vancou, Huawei’s CFO in Vancouver, Canada, was arrested on December 1, 2018, on charges of evading US sanctions against Iran.
After the 3-day bail hearing, Canadian judge William Eric, who handled the case, released Mıng on C$10 million bails while awaiting an official extradition request from the United States.
The last time Huawei was accused of stealing trade secrets and bank fraud was in January 2019.
In addition to the lawsuit against the company, it was reported that the company’s chief financial officer, Mıng Vancou, was also on trial for 13 different crimes.