The UN decided to suspend Russia from the Human Rights Council


The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday approved the suspension of Russia’s membership of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.


This came at the 11th special session held by the General Assembly at its headquarters in New York to consider a draft resolution drafted by the United States entitled “Suspending the rights of the Russian Federation’s membership in the Human Rights Council.”

93 countries voted in favor of the resolution, 24 opposed, and 58 abstained.

The resolution stipulated “suspending the rights of the Russian Federation’s membership in the Human Rights Council… and reviewing this matter as necessary.”

The issuance of this resolution required the approval of two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly participating in the voting process.


Before the vote on the draft resolution, Ukraine’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Sergei Kislitsa, said in a speech that “the expulsion of Russia from the Human Rights Council is not an option, it is a duty.”

He added, “Do not be indifferent spectators… All you must do is press the yes button and save the Human Rights Council and many lives around the world and in Ukraine.”

He continued, “Pressing a button does not mean pressing the trigger, and it means a red dot on the screen, just like the blood of innocents.”

On the other hand, Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Ambassador Gennady Kuzmin called on representatives of Member States to vote against the draft resolution.


Addressing representatives of member states, he said, “We call on all present here to reflect deeply on your decisions and to vote against the attempt of Western countries and their allies to destroy the already existing structure of the Human Rights Council.”

The Russian ambassador stressed that “Moscow rejects the false allegations contained in the resolution, which are based on fabricated information.”

The Chinese delegate to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, described the draft resolution as “hasty,” and said in his speech to members of the General Assembly that his country would vote against the draft resolution.


He added, “This hasty step by putting the draft resolution to a vote in the General Assembly will exacerbate divisions and will add fuel to the fire, in addition to setting a dangerous precedent.”

And on February 24, Russia launched a military attack on its neighbor Ukraine, which prompted capitals and regional and international organizations to impose sanctions on Moscow that included multiple sectors, including diplomatic, economic, financial and sports.