In India, which is one of the countries most affected by the new type of Coronavirus (Covid-19), the daily number of cases has exceeded 295,000.
The total number of cases infected with the virus reached 15 million and 616 thousand and 130 infected.
According to the statement issued by the Indian Ministry of Health, two thousand and 23 people died during the past 24 hours due to Covid-19, and the number of deaths rose to 182,553 people.
With the discovery of 295 thousand and 41 new cases during the past 24 hours, the total number of cases reached 15 million and 616 thousand and 130.
In Maharashtra region there are 62 thousand 97 cases, and Uttar Pradesh 29 thousand and 574 cases.
And Delhi has 28,395 cases, as these were the regions and states that recorded the highest daily increase in cases.
13 million 276 thousand and 39 people have recovered in India
In the country where the number of people recovering from infection reached 13 million 276 thousand and 39, and treatment continues for 2 million 157 thousand 538 people.
Experts warn that the health system is “on the verge of collapse”, noting that hospital occupancy rates have reached their highest levels after the increase in cases across the country.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal also made a statement on April 18th.
He called on the central government to provide the state with oxygen cylinders, pointing to a shortage of oxygen cylinders in hospitals.
India is the country with the largest number of cases in the world on a daily basis
In India where the first cases of COVID-19 were recorded on January 30, 2020, the number of daily cases reached 9,7859 as of September 16, 2020.
Then it decreased after that date, as the daily number of cases decreased steadily over the next 4.5 months, dropping to 8,587 on February 1.
However after this first wave, the condition curve created a strong bullish arc from February, creating a new wave much larger than the first.
India has been the country with the highest number of cases recorded in the world on a daily basis since April 2.
The number of vaccines given to the population of India has exceeded 130 million
In India, a country of about 1.4 billion people, a massive vaccination campaign against this disease is being carried out.
Where the Indian Ministry of Health announced that the number of vaccines administered in the country reached 130 million and 119 thousand and 330 doses.
According to http://ourworldindata.org, where COVID-19 vaccination data were collected, India has become “the third country in the world with the largest number of vaccines” after the United States and China.
New types of viruses with highly contagious characteristics are spreading in India
In India, one of the first countries to face the new wave of the epidemic around the world.
It is estimated that the COVID-19 mutant species that have increased the infection are effective in the recent increase in cases.
Experts view the three metamorphic species that occur particularly in South Africa, England and Brazil as a concern.
These virus mutations have been detected in 7% of 11,000 virus samples in India, and their genetic sequences have been extracted since December 30, 2020.
Punjab state officials announced on March 24 that 81 percent of the 404 samples collected and sequenced in the state between January 1 and March 10.
The most contagious type of COVID-19 that first appeared in the United Kingdom has also been encountered.
Health Minister Harsh Vardan admitted on April 8 that a lack of measures to limit group mobility and social interaction contributed to the increase in cases.
Vardan noted that religious holidays were celebrated, and election rallies were held in 11 states, as the number of cases increased, and people neglected distance rules in mass events.