Solving the mystery of 15 caves in different provinces of Turkey


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The Ministry of Environment and Urbanization will examine the structure of the fifteen caves and their natural geological and environmental values ​​this year.

Where the General Directorate of Natural Heritage Protection in Turkey stated that the environmental characteristics of these natural caves with geological research have been determined.

Projects will be implemented in different regions by the Ministry to register each of these caves as natural properties and put them under protection.

The ministry will also conduct research in 15 caves in Erzurum, Erzincan, Antalya, Eskişehir, Bursa, Kutahya and Izmir this year. These caves will also be recorded as natural assets, according to the results.

This year, for the first time, research will be carried out on both marine caves in terms of natural composition and biological diversity.

Konya Solin, Gversenlik, Kastamonu Egder, Elgarini and Daly Coeloko Caves are among the caves registered and protected by the Ministry as a natural property last year.

The hard work and the geological and environmental structure of the caves are reflected in the photos taken in these caves in Konya and Kastamonu, which are extremely difficult to enter by the ministry.