Mobilization begins in Marmara: an all-out battle against sea saliva


The 22-article Marmara Sea Protection Action Plan was shared with the public against pollution in Marmara that came to the fore with the gum problem.

The gum known as sea saliva invaded many parts of the Marmara Sea, reaching dangerous levels.

Minister of Environment and Urbanization Murat Kurum presented the 22-item Marmara Sea Protection Action Plan with the public yesterday.

Emergency response work begins for the complete liquidation of the gum

So why are bioremediation plants important in the fight against gum? How and when will the steps be taken to achieve gum results?

“Transition to Biological Therapy in Action Plan”

Mentioning that they are looking for ways to return to the past in the Sea of ​​Marmara, and that the exemplary work they have prepared on this issue is reflected in the action plan, Salihoglu said:

“The proposals to declare the Sea of ​​Marmara a protected area and to switch to bioremediation in the entire sea are all in the action plan.

The burden of pollution entering the Sea of ​​Marmara is currently very large, and we have mentioned that it should be reduced to a certain extent and very quickly.

That’s it, that’s been included in the action plan, to our great pleasure, everyone agreed.”

“The pollution entering the Marmara Sea must be reduced quickly.”

Dr. Salihoglu emphasized: “The pollution entering the sea must be reduced as quickly as possible from the city’s discharge.

In addition to household waste, common sources, basins, rivers, industry and agriculture, and if this happens, the Marmara Sea will become healthier.”