Eyes are on Turkey’s economic reform package


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

After President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced his human rights action plan this week.

Attention has turned to the economic reform package that will be shared with the public next week.

In addition to the economic policies that have been changed and assessed since November, the determination to implement reforms indicates that the path to achieving a rating increase in the country’s economy will be shaped.


The economic package, which includes macroeconomic stability and structural policies, which has been studied for a long time under the leadership of Treasury and Finance Minister Lutfi Elvan, is expected to be announced by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan next week.

By announcing the package to the public, President Erdogan stated that they would once again demonstrate their determination to develop the country on the basis of stability and confidence.

The economic package that will be announced is expected to contain a number of elements that support sustainable growth, reduce inflationary pressures and respond to structural fragility.

As it is considered that the policies that will be implemented will renew the confidence of foreign investors and increase the image and credibility of the state.

Macroeconomic stability and structural policies will also be at the heart of the announced package.


Priority will be given to combating inflation, the current account deficit, the financial sector and the public finances.

The reforms will focus on macroeconomic stability and structural policies.

In the context of macroeconomic stability, priority will be given to combating inflation, the current account deficit, the financial sector and public finance.

In terms of structural policies, there are steps for institutional architecture, investments and competition policies.

The maintenance of allowances

Focusing on fiscal discipline and savings is at the forefront of the pack.

Ministries may not spend more than the allowance unless it is mandatory, and even save in their allocations.

The new system will also be used in public procurement tenders.

And the state’s economic institutions will be restructured.

The priority is to fight inflation

Permanent measures will be developed to ensure price stability.

New policies will also be implemented in relation to capital market development.
