Britain allocates 30 million pounds to support Afghan refugees


Britain announced on Friday that it will allocate £30 million to help Afghan refugees in Afghanistan’s neighboring countries.

This came in a statement by the British government in conjunction with the start of an official visit by Foreign Minister Dominic Raab to Pakistan to discuss developments in Afghanistan.


The statement said: “The provision of £10 million to humanitarian partners, such as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

This is to enable organizations to provide supplies to refugees in neighboring countries, and to set up shelters near the Afghan border and sanitation facilities.”

He added: “20 million pounds will be allocated to Afghanistan’s neighboring countries, which are witnessing a significant increase in refugee numbers, to support reception facilities and provide basic services and supplies.”

In turn, Dominic Raab said: “It is imperative that we help those fleeing Afghanistan, and not allow the crisis there to undermine regional stability.”

“This aid demonstrates Britain’s commitment to upholding our humanitarian responsibility and supporting those countries that will face a large number of Afghan refugees,” Raab said.


Earlier on Friday, Raab arrived in the Pakistani capital, Islamabad, on an official visit over two days, to discuss developments in Afghanistan.

The UNHCR expects in a previous statement that the number of Afghan refugees in Pakistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, We must helpWe help and Turkmenistan will reach about 500,000 people in the coming months.

Last August, the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, in parallel with the final stage of a US military withdrawal that was completed on August 31.