55,472 people have recovered in the past 24 hours


11,534 new cases were detected during the past 24 hours, and 238 people have died due to the Coronavirus.

But 55,472 people have regained their health after defeating the virus.

The daily Coronavirus schedule in Turkey has also been shared from “http://covid19.saglik.gov.tr”.

Accordingly, 201,295 tests were conducted during the past 24 hours in Turkey, and 11,539 people came back positive.


This brings the total number of cases to 5 million, 83 thousand and 996.

With 238 deaths, the total number of deaths rose to 44,59.

55 thousand people have recovered

During the past 24 hours, 1,217 new patients were identified.

55,472 people have regained their health after the defeat of the virus, and the number of people recovered increased to 4 million, 856 thousand and 763.