A Moroccan traveler arrives in Turkey to shoot the beauty of the country


Moroccan traveler Osman Zulati arrived in the “Dogu Bayezid” region of the Turkish state of Ağrı on his bicycle, to shoot a documentary film about the beauty of the place.


The traveler, documentary filmmaker Zolati (27 years), toured 24 countries in 4 years using a bicycle and skateboard, during which he traveled 30,000 km, which qualified him to win the title of “Adventurer of the Year 2018” in Morocco.

Speaking on Wednesday, Zolati said he arrived in Turkey last September.

He added that he started his tour starting from Istanbul, then passing through the Black Sea coast region and eastern Anatolia, until his arrival to the Dogu Bayezid area in Agri (east).

He explained that he had heard about the beauty of nature’s magic in Turkey for a long time, which encouraged him to come to shoot a documentary film that reflects this beauty through social media.


He indicated that he plans to stay in Turkey for two months, during which he will visit the southern states such as Diyarbakir and Sanliurfa in order to learn about the important historical monuments.