Turkey is a stabilizing force that intervenes to find solutions


Head of the Turkish Communications Department, Fahrettin Altun, said that Turkey is a stabilizing force that intervenes in crisis areas to open doors for solutions.

This came in an article published in the Austrian newspaper “Kurier” on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the manpower agreement concluded between Ankara and Vienna in 1964.

Altun added: “Thanks to its role on the regional and global scene under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey is considered a force of stability.”

He continued: “With our diplomatic skills that we inherited throughout our history, and through our strategic location and the constructive relations that we have established with all countries, we intervene in crisis areas to open the doors to ways of solution.”

Altun stressed that Turkey, as an active actor on the global stage, has not and will not refrain from taking the initiative to ensure global peace and prosperity.

He explained that cultivating a climate of friendship between peoples instead of the seeds of hostility is a must to establish world peace, stressing their striving to achieve this goal.

Altun expressed his regret that a sick understanding such as Islamophobia has become the prevailing point of view in some Western countries today.