The mothers’ sit-in has entered its fourth year in front of the headquarters of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in Diyarbakir, southeastern Turkey, which aims to retrieve their children kidnapped by the terrorist PKK organization.
On Saturday, Interior Minister Suleiman Soylu visited the sit-in in Diyarbakir to express his solidarity with the families participating in it from different Turkish states.
In a speech during the visit, Minister Soylu confirmed that the mothers who participate in the sit-in send a warning message to everyone, whether in Turkey or the entire world, regarding the terrorist organization.
He pointed out that the US Senate has provided $2 billion in aid to the PKK and its Syrian affiliate, PYD, over the last 3 years.
He said that without the United States, there would be no organization today called “PKK/BYD” and that the patent for these two entities is in the hands of the Americans.
He stressed that the so-called “People’s Democratic Party” and the terrorist organization are neighbors of the United States, without which these terrorists would not have been able to move a few steps in the Middle East.
Dozens of families have participated in the sit-in that has continued since September 3, 2019, in front of the headquarters of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, which is accused of helping the terrorist organization kidnap children and young people to the mountains and tempt them to fight in its ranks against Turkey.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has previously expressed his support for the sit-in participants on more than one occasion, as well as support for ministers, politicians, artists, journalists, writers, athletes, civic organizations, clerics and individuals from all segments of society.
The sit-in is also supported by the “Srebrenica Mothers’ Association” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Parliament Member Tomas Zdechovsky, and ambassadors in Ankara who visited Diyarbakir and met the sit-in.
The PKK is a terrorist organization operating in several countries in the region, including Syria, Iraq and Iran, and Turkey is combating it in response to the attacks it is launching against its citizens and forces.