President Erdogan: The doors of Turkevi construction are open to all


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan attended the “Opening Ceremony of the New Turkevi Building” in New York.

The new Turkevi building was inaugurated in New York, and speaking at the ceremony, Erdogan said Turkevi’s door is open to all.


After Erdogan, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres delivered a speech and said: “I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for your support of refugees in need of protection.”

After that, the head of religious affairs, Ali Erbash, performed the opening prayer, where he opened the ceremony by cutting the ribbon.

By saying that the world is greater than five, we are striving to implement a more just world order.

This building is also a symbol of our belief in peace. In the process leading up to 2023, Turkevi Building will also be a reflection of our standing in the international community. The doors of the Turkevi Building are open to all.