NATO: Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine was a grave mistake


The emergency summit of the leaders of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization “NATO” considered the decision of Russian President Vladimir Putin to attack Ukraine as a “fatal mistake”.


Stressing that Moscow will pay a “heavy price” economically and politically for many years.

“Putin’s decision to attack Ukraine is a grave mistake, for which Russia will pay a heavy economic and political price for many years,” said the statement issued by the summit, which dealt with Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine.

He affirmed that NATO stands with the “democratically elected Ukrainian president, parliament, government and the brave people who defend their homeland.”

He explained that the alliance will deploy in the eastern part of Europe the necessary forces to ensure a strong deterrence.

He added: “In light of Russian actions, we will draw the necessary conclusions to achieve a deterrent and defensive position for the Alliance.”


“We condemn in the strongest terms the full-fledged invasion of Ukraine by Russia, facilitated by Belarus,” he said.

The statement said that the summit discussed Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, which is the biggest threat to Euro-Atlantic security in decades.

He called on Russia to “immediately stop” its cruel and unjust attacks and withdraw its forces.

The statement stressed that the attacks had destabilized peace in Europe, and that Russia would be held responsible for its actions.


He stated that Moscow did not choose the path of diplomacy and violated international law, adding: “No one should be deceived by the lies of the Russian government.”

He pointed out that NATO continues to adhere to the basic principles of European security, pointing to the start of imposing large and unprecedented sanctions on Russia.

He stressed that the Alliance will continue to provide political and practical support to Ukraine, and continue to take the necessary decisions and measures for the defense and security of its allies.