Turkey… Considering Tokat among the provinces in the blue category


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that Tokat is among the low-risk provinces on the coronavirus risk map.


Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced on his social media account that Tokat is among the low-risk provinces in the Corona risk map with a vaccination rate of 75 percent.

Minister Koca said: “The rate of the second dose of the vaccine in Tokat exceeded 75% of the Tokat in the blue category.

We must continue to increase this rate, we must get our due vaccines without delay, the delay is dangerous.”

Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced that Van is among the provinces in the “yellow” category on the coronavirus risk map, with a vaccination rate of 65 percent.


Minister Koca said, “The rate of the second dose of vaccines in Van exceeded one hundred and 65.

Van is still in the yellow category, let’s get our second or third dose of vaccines when the time is right, don’t delay too risk.”