Turkey hosts the Conference of the Barcelona Environment Convention


The United Nations Environment Program will hold the 22nd Conference of the Signatories to the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean (Barcelona Convention) in the southern Turkish state of Antalya next week.


The conference will also be held in Antalya on Saturday from 7 to 10 December.

The meeting will be held with the participation of 21 countries bordering the Mediterranean at the level of ministers and representatives of ministries, the European Union and the United Nations.

The meeting will discuss the environmental pressures in the Mediterranean Sea resulting from human activities, intensive fishing, untreated sewage disposal, ship traffic and tourism.

It will also address the protection and conservation of biodiversity, ecosystems and marine litter.


After that, Turkey will assume the role of head of the Barcelona Convention Secretariat’s office from Italy for two years.

The Barcelona Convention is originally the Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea from Pollution, a regional agreement adopted in 1976, to prevent and combat pollution from ships, aircraft and land-based sources.