The European Union adopts a “strategic partnership with the Gulf”


The European High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security and the European Commission on Wednesday adopted a joint working paper on a “strategic partnership with the Gulf”.


The European Commission said in a statement posted on its website that the working paper “aims to expand and deepen cooperation between the European Union and the Gulf Cooperation Council and its member states.”

The statement quoted European High Representative Josep Borrell as saying that “at a time of insecurity and significant challenges to the rules-based international order.

exacerbated by the Russian war on Ukraine, the EU and the Gulf states would benefit from a stronger and more strategic partnership that spans a number of key areas.

We need to work more closely together on stability in the Gulf and the Middle East on global security threats.


As well as on energy security, climate change, green transformation, digitization, trade and investment.

We also need to strengthen connections between students, researchers, businesses and citizens.”

The statement continued, “The enhanced partnership is beneficial to both the European Union and the Gulf partners.

The European Union is the world’s largest single market, a pioneer in research and innovation, and an important security actor in the Gulf region.

It is also a major player in global challenges such as climate change and digitalisation.

He pointed out that the European Union’s global portal provides a dynamic framework for cooperation with GCC partners to promote sustainable investments in the Middle East as well as in Africa.


He stated that “the GCC countries are vital economies and an important gateway between Europe, Asia and Africa. They are reliable suppliers of LNG.

They have some of the best solar and wind energy resources in the world.”

And last year, the European Commission announced the launch of its “Global Gateway” initiative in an effort to extend the European Union’s commercial influence.

The primary focus will be on investment in infrastructure, building materials, railways, highways, the power grid, and iron and steel.

The European initiative is considered an “alternative and competitive” plan at the same time to confront China’s influence, and it aims to draw the features of a global plan on infrastructure aimed at poor countries as well.


This is to compete with China’s Belt and Road project by offering financial aid to developing countries.

As an alternative to relying on the Chinese road, rail and port network, according to the European “Euronews” network.