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The Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank announced that the Chinese smartphone giant Oppo has begun testing production at its factory located in Tuzla, Istanbul.
According to the statement issued by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, a 12,000-square-meter factory in Tuzla has been converted into a smartphone production facility by the Chinese mobile phone brand, Oppo.
Installation work at OPPO production facility, supported by investment incentives by the Ministry of Industry and Technology, began in November.
In about 3 months, the SMT production line and all systems were installed in the factory. A large number of new jobs have also been created during the trial production phase.
The Minister of Industry and Technology Mustafa Varank also inspected the installation work and production testing of the plant on site.
Varank, who spoke to the staff, signed the cell phones that were out of the trial production.
Minister Varank also stated that very soon, Oppo branded “Made in Turkey” phones will be put on the smartphone shelves.
Varank indicated that the official opening ceremony of the factory is very soon.
It is the first plant of its kind to be produced in Turkey and it is expected that approximately 1000 people will be employed as the plant goes into full production.

Production base in Europe
Minister Varank stated about the secession of Turkey from other countries, saying:
Turkey’s production base is concentrated in durable goods such as cars and furniture.
International investors investing in Turkey in both production quality and timely commitment to the performance point have benefited from this confidence.
We have seen the most realistic example from the period of the epidemic, when many global companies increased their production in Turkey when they were restricted in countries.
Consideration should be given in this context to the world’s giant smartphone manufacturers to start investing in Turkey.
Similar investments by international companies, which have a special say in medium and high technology products, will continue to increase in the coming period.
We are making intensive efforts under the leadership of our President to create the necessary investment environment.
These investments in the field of smart phones will also contribute to the formation of important competencies in our country.
Consequently, our local new technology supplier companies will be included in the ecosystem. ”
As Minister Varank stated, on social media regarding the visit:
The interest of international brands in our country is increasing day by day.
Oppo, a smartphone maker, has started trial production at its factory in Turkey with the CKD system in place.