Israel: Qatar requests American sponsorship to allow its aid to enter Gaza


The official Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said that Qatar had requested American sponsorship for a mechanism for the entry of its humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip.


The commission quoted unnamed Palestinian sources as saying, “The Qataris do not oppose changing the mechanism for bringing money into the Gaza Strip.

But they say they want the United States of America to be part of this mechanism.”

She indicated that Qatar “wants to meet with the four parties, with the participation of the United States of America, Israel, and the United Nations.

To organize this new mechanism and to organize the process, and to give it international recognition.”

According to the broadcaster, “contacts are taking place to allow the entry of Qatari money into Gaza.

Through a mechanism supervised by the United Nations and disbursed through banks operating in the Palestinian territories.


She pointed out that this means that the money will not enter the Gaza Strip through the “Hamas” movement, which manages the affairs of the Strip.

According to the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation, Tel Aviv wants to expand this mechanism so that European countries can also contribute to providing aid to Gaza through it.

There was no US, UN, or Qatari comment on what was reported by the official Israeli authority until (8:00 GMT).

On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said his government was working on a solution that would allow humanitarian aid to be provided to Gazans, but without “bags of dollars”.


Previously, Qatari money was worth about $30 million a month, and it passes from Israel to Gaza with bags carried by Qatari officials and is spent in post offices in the Strip run by Hamas.

About two months ago, Israel prevented the entry of Qatari funds into Gaza, following a military confrontation that erupted between it and the Palestinian factions in the Strip on May 10 and ended on May 21.