Continued recovery of survivors, including infants and the elderly


Relief teams in the affected areas in southern Turkey continue to rescue children and adults from under the rubble of collapsed buildings, about 50 hours after the violent earthquake.

On Wednesday, the teams rescued the two-month-old baby Muhammed Doğan Bustan from under the rubble in the Albistan district of Kahramanmaraş, the epicenter of the earthquake.

Rescue experts pulled out the child, Muhammad, from under the rubble, amidst people’s takbeers, while he was suckling his finger. He was taken to hospital 48 hours after the earthquake.


The teams also rescued two-year-old Mikael in the Kahramanmaraş Center, as he was stuck on a sofa, and was pulled out from under the rubble after 43 hours.

In another building in the center of Kahramanmaraş, relief teams rescued the one-and-a-half-year-old girl, Mesal, and her mother, Yelis, 55 hours after the earthquake.

Rescue teams succeeded in removing the 80-year-old Abd al-Rahman Beyaz from the rubble of his house in Hatay state after 54 hours had passed.

The 66-year-old citizen, Shinur, was also rescued in the Qirik Khan district of Hatay after 40 hours.

At dawn on Monday, a 7.7-magnitude earthquake hit southern Turkey and northern Syria, followed by another hours later with a magnitude of 7.6 and hundreds of aftershocks, which left huge losses of lives and property in both countries.

On Tuesday, Erdogan declared a state of emergency for a period of 3 months in ten Turkish states affected by the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş.

The ten states are Adana, Adi Yaman, Diyarbakir, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye and Sanliurfa.