A message of condolence from Minister Kasapoğlu to Ali Okal


Youth and Sports Minister Mehmet Kasapoğlu issued a telegram of condolences to Ali Okal, the beloved name of the sports media in Ankara, who lost his life.


The Minister of Youth and Sports Mehmet Kasapoğlu made the following statements in a letter of condolence:

“We are deeply saddened by the loss of our brother Ali Okal, an expert name for journalism in Ankara from amateur branches to professional leagues.

Our brother Ali, who appears in every gym in Ankara, wherever the sport is, will live on in our memories forever with a smile on his face.


I wish God’s mercy on Ali Ocala, who made a great contribution to the development of sports in Turkey, and I offer my condolences to his family, relatives, and the journalistic community.”