Turkey withdraws from NATO exercises


Turkey has apologized for participating in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) maneuvers scheduled to be hosted by Greece in order not to allow this country to provoke it.

NATO exercises “Tiger Meet” are organized in one of the allied countries annually, as Turkey hosted it in 2005 and 2015, while Greece is scheduled to host it this year from May 9-20.


Security sources said that prior to each maneuver, the host country prepares a technical regulation on the maneuvers’ activities.

The sources pointed out that Greece “made additions to the aforementioned document, using an approach targeting Turkey and exploiting the differences between the two countries.”

She added that the Turkish armed forces demanded that Greece amend the regulation because it contained phrases that violate international law, but it refused the amendment.

She added that Turkey decided on April 22nd not to participate in the maneuvers due to Greece’s falsification of facts to serve its political interests, and that it had reported this decision to the Greek authorities.


And she stressed that “despite all of Ankara’s conciliatory efforts, Greece cannot tolerate the mere participation of its neighbor (Turkey) in the maneuvers.”