Turkey trains Ethiopians to deal with natural disasters


The Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) and the Red Crescent Organization, in cooperation with the Ethiopian Maxbridge Endowment, supervised the training of Ethiopians to deal with natural disasters.


The representative of TIKA Agency in Ethiopia, Cengiz Bulat, pointed out the need to create awareness in the Ethiopian society to deal with natural disasters and reduce damages.

He explained that their activities focused on disseminating information related to natural disasters, training trainers, and ways to mitigate disaster damage.

The training lasted for 6 days and included 50 hours, at the end of which the participants received a certificate of completion of the course.

As for the director of educational projects at Tika, Mustafa Hisham Polat, he said in his speech at the ceremony of distributing certificates to the participants, “Information is not a source of power in our hands, but rather a source of responsibility, and this responsibility was manifested here through this session.


Addressing the participants, he added, “Now the responsibility rests with you. What you learned in the course will be passed on as trainers to others.”