Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Donmez announced the conclusion of a deal with Azerbaijan to import an additional 11 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
In a statement on Friday, Donmez stressed the government’s keenness to meet any possible increase in gas demand with the approach of winter.
Pointing out that the talks that Turkey is conducting (with the countries it imports from) are going positively.
He explained that officials of the countries from which his country imports gas pledged to increase the amount that is pumped to Turkey.
He noted that Turkey, thanks to its successful energy diplomacy, will pass this stage without problems while the world faces a serious crisis regarding natural gas supplies.
He pointed out that a deal was concluded with Azerbaijan to import an additional 11 billion cubic meters of natural gas.
Until the end of 2024 via the Baku (Azerbaijan) – Tbilisi (Georgia) – Erzurum (Turkey) line.