The start of Turkish central government budget marathon for 2022


The 2022 budget was introduced, which is the twentieth budget of AKP governments and the fourth budget prepared after the transition to a presidential system of government.


It was submitted to the Turkish Grand National Assembly on October 15 with the signature of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Within the scope of the central government budget, deliberations on the budget of 224 public administrations will begin with the presentation of Vice President Oktay to the Planning and Budget Committee of the Grand National Assembly on Wednesday, October 20.

After submitting the budget, the commission’s work will stop for about a week to prepare the commission’s members.

Budget negotiations will take place in the auditorium of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.


The Parliamentary Plan and Budget Committee will also hold discussions on the total budget on Tuesday, October 26th.

Budget discussions will also be held in the auditorium of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, which has more space due to the coronavirus epidemic this year.

In this context, the Presidency of the Assembly will make the necessary arrangements in the Ballroom.