Tensions escalate between Turkey and Greece


Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

A Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman accused the Greek officials of trying to disrupt EU relations with Ankara.

According to the Anatolia News Agency, Ankara accused the Greek officials of trying to obstruct the European Union’s efforts to pursue a positive agenda towards Turkey.

In reference to the meeting held in Athens in the presence of the foreign ministers of Greece, France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and the Greek Cypriots. Turkey said that Greek officials are working to improve relations between Turkey and the European Union.

Hami Aksoy, a spokesman for the Turkish Foreign Ministry, said that no meeting on the region could succeed without the presence of Turkey. Which is an important country in the region, and the Turkish Cypriot sector.

He said in another part of his speech, when he claimed that the meeting was not directed at any country, as the Greek Foreign Minister [Nikos Dendias] made statements and baseless accusations against Turkey.

And the purpose of holding this forum is to unite countries towards hostility to Turkey.

According to a Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman, blaming Turkey’s regional policy, which is based on the people and the law, is not the same as those who open their doors to the coup plotters.

A spokesman for the Turkish foreign policy and diplomacy apparatus said that the countries that held the meeting at the initiative of Greece are working to pressure Turkey at any cost.

From creating instability in Libya to creating a corridor to send terrorists to Syria and Iraq in recent years.

It is interesting that these same countries have been silent for years against Armenia’s occupation of the lands of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Aksoy said that Turkey has repeatedly called for a regional conference on the conflict in the eastern Mediterranean with the participation of all countries in the region, including the Turkish Cypriot part, which Turkey calls the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Now that the countries surrounding Turkey held such summits in the Mediterranean, this shows their hostility to Turkey.