Responsible for the 2008 Istanbul terrorist bombing to be neutralized


Turkish intelligence was able to neutralize a terrorist from the “PKK” organization in Syria responsible for the bombing in Istanbul that killed 18 people in 2008.


Security sources said on Saturday that Turkish intelligence had obtained information about the transfer of terrorist “Nusrat Tabish” to Syria from Iraq, to ​​which he fled after the terrorist bombing in 2008.

She explained that the Turkish intelligence spotted the terrorist “Tabish” in a house in the Syrian province of Hasaka, in the northeast of the country.

It confirmed that the intelligence agents were able to neutralize the terrorist through a special operation they carried out on his residence.


According to the sources, “Tebesh” joined PKK in 1995 and assumed positions in the ranks of the organization and was one of those responsible for a terrorist bombing in the “Gon Goran” district of Istanbul in 2008, killing 18 people, including 5 children, and wounding 154 others.