NASA: July 2023 was the warmest since 1880


Scientists from NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Research announced that last July was the warmest month since 1880.

And NASA said in a statement on Tuesday that July 2023 witnessed temperatures 0.24 degrees higher than the same month in all previous years.

It indicated that the temperature in July 2023 recorded a value 1.18 degrees higher than the average temperature between 1951-1980.


And it added, “NASA data confirms exactly what billions of people around the world felt. Temperatures in July 2023 made July the warmest month on record.”

“Not only was last July warmer than previous July months, but at the same time it was the warmest in our records spanning the year 1880,” said Gavin Schmidt, director of the Goddard Institute for Space Research, who singled out the statement for his remarks.