One of the most important things for those who want to migrate to Turkey is the issue of the treatment and health care system in Turkey. Although, some may consider coming to Turkey to receive treatment, given the advanced and well-equipped health system. In addition to the presence of the best hospitals in the Middle East.
The health care system in Turkey
Health care system services in Turkey is basically a subsidiary of the Turkish Ministry of Health (MOH), which is run by the Social Security Department, universities, the Ministry of Defense, doctors, dentists and pharmacists.
The Turkish Ministry of Health also provides health care in hospitals as the only provider of health services in the country. Although private hospitals also provide health services, their capacity is low compared to the ministry.
Health care services provided by the Ministry of Health are funded by the Ministry of Finance. However, the Ministry of Defense is concerned separately with the health of individuals and military companies, and the Higher Education Council is responsible for funding the university hospitals.
Experts comment on the health care system in Turkey
Some critics of the health care system in Turkey believe that the complex structure of health care services indicates that it is based on historical developments and not on logical healthcare planning processes.

Although health care is provided by the public, semi-governmental, private, and humanitarian sectors, the relationships between these sectors are not very coherent or controlled, as experts say that the country’s health care system still suffers from major deficiencies, despite the fact that 12 years have passed since the last improvement of health care system.
Previous problems in the health care system in Turkey
Two decades ago, maternal and infant mortality rates in Turkey were much higher than in any other country in Europe, and life expectancy was very low. In 1999, the rate was 40 deaths per 1,000 births. While for the European Union the average was 4.9, and for Eastern Europe the rate was 3.11. Even in Central Europe, the average for the newly independent countries was 17.8.
This was a bad down trend for Turkey. As the World Health Organization set the rate at 130 per 100,000 in Turkey in 1998. According to the organization, this rate was 20.3 for European countries and 42.6 for Asian countries.
Turkey’s health care system reforms
However, Turkey has grown well over the past decade, investing nearly $ 120 billion. So, in these years, in addition to the industry, A good market was found in the country’s healthcare field. The situation has changed dramatically, and the most important sign is the marked decrease in the rate of medical services in Turkey.
Taxes cover 41% of the health costs of the Turkish people, and insurance companies represent only 31% of medical expenses. On average, Turkish people pay about 28% of the cost.
Health insurance system in Turkey
The Turkish insurance system, with the help of national and private insurance, works to ensure people’s welfare, and it is interesting to note that the government pays more than 80% of the cost of medicines.
The health care system in Turkey is similar to the health care system in the United States of America, for example, doctors have the right to prescribe any drug in any amount. But this is applied from the third medication onwards, and there are no restrictions on doctors and service providers in this matter, which represents a challenge in the country.
The integration of various social insurance organizations, including workers and unions insurance organizations, to provide private health insurance, and the use of university and private hospitals through workers and unions insurance, to implement the General Health Insurance plans for the people in need, is one of the activities undertaken by the health authorities of the Turkish government in order to Improve the health care system in recent years.
In general, in the health care system in Turkey, you should consider your insurance and the type of insurance you have.

Hospitals in the health care system in Turkey
Supporting the establishment of specialized hospitals and clinics is also part of the Turkish government’s plans to improve the quality of the country’s healthcare system.
In Turkey there are a total of 1,191 hospitals, of which 375 are private property and the rest are public hospitals and medical colleges.
The number of hospitals owned by the Turkish Ministry of Health is 836, with Istanbul holding the largest number of hospital beds, and the largest number of hospitals.
The construction of private hospitals in Turkey has grown significantly, especially since the 1980s, in parallel with the implementation of the free economy policy by President Turgut Ozal.
Where the number of private hospitals in Turkey in 2003 was 142, now the numbers have more than doubled reaching 550 hospitals. However, 75% of health care services are provided by the government and 23% to 25% of these services are provided by the private sector.
In general, we can say that the health care system in Turkey is considered one of the best in the world, and this was evident in Turkey’s war with the global crisis of Coronavirus in 2020.
The medical education system in Turkey
The education system in Turkey has changed, from a theoretical path to an experimental path and the activities of medical students under the supervision of European experts, and a more powerful generation has emerged in the country’s medical system, a generation that can fully educate future generations. At the same time, with the establishment of private medical centers, great efforts have been made to maintain communication between the medical staff of hospitals and health centers with large scientific research institutions so that the medical system in the country can keep up with international medical research.

But health care in the country was not limited to the medical staff. The number of medical schools and health educators in Turkey has increased dramatically over the past decade.
The Turkish Ministry of Health has also established more than 6000 clinics in Turkey, to meet medical needs in the county. According to a plan submitted by the Turkish Ministry of Health, at least one public clinic was established in all regions with a population of 10,000.
The growth of health care system in Turkey
One of the main reasons for the success of the health care system in Turkey in the past decade was due to coordination and cohesion between Parliament, government, policy makers, decision makers and the financial sector. As all of these sections worked as one. Because the majority of members of Parliament are in the hands of the party and the government comes from the party. Therefore, the decision-making process was very easy, and the policy-making departments have no other position on decisions.
Why treatment in Turkey?
Even though Turkey has the best cadres and the latest medical devices, treatment costs in Turkey are much less than treatment costs in the Gulf countries, European countries and America, which made Turkey a leader in medical tourism in the Middle East.