Fashion Design in Turkey – Conditions for studying fashion design and its career in Turkey


The number of universities that teach fashion design in Turkey is not small, as it is one of the best flourishing industries in Turkey, which is why fashion design universities in Turkey are of special importance in this country.


In this article, we will provide detailed information about studying fashion design in Turkey, its requirements, and its professional future for students wishing to study this field, so stay with us.

Universities of fashion design in Turkey

Fashion design is one of the major industries in Turkey.

Students who want to study fashion design are trained at a university that includes this major.

In the introductory part of the fashion design education program, topics such as basic art education, art history, basic concepts of art and familiarity with textile technology are included, after which students are trained in hands-on workshops.

Today, most clothing design companies use computers in designing and producing fabrics, and in order to enable students to use computer software in the fields of fashion design, computer software training is also provided.

The duration of study for fashion design programs in Turkish universities is four years, and the language of instruction in most fashion design universities in Turkey is Turkish and English.


List of Fashion Design Universities in Turkey

Fashion Design is a four-year undergraduate program, and those interested in pursuing a degree in fashion design universities in Turkey can choose one of the country’s public or private universities.

About 82 public and private universities offer Fashion Design program, and they are as follows:

  • Marmara University
  • Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
  • Ankara university
  • Gazi University
  • Canakkale 18 Mart University
  • Beykent University
  • Gedik University
  • Halic University
  • Isik University
  • Istanbul Arel University
  • Istanbul Aydin University
  • Istanbul Bilgi University
  • İstanbul Esenyurt University
  • Istanbul Gelisim University
  • Istanbul Kemerburgaz University
  • Istanbul Culture University
  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Istanbul Commerce University
  • Maltepe University
  • Baskent University
  • Silk University
  • Dokuz Eylul University
  • Ege University
  • Izmir University of Economics
  • Mediterranean University
  • Anatolian University
  • Celal Bayar University
  • Cukurova University
  • Dumlupınar University
  • Gaziantep University
  • Giresun University
  • Inonu University
  • Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University
  • Mersin University
  • Nigde University
  • Sakarya University
  • Selcuk University
  • Suleyman Demirel University
  • Uşak University
  • Pamukkale University
  • Ordu University


Career future for graduates of fashion design universities in Turkey

Graduates of fashion design universities in Turkey have many opportunities to work in fields such as fashion design, running a fashion house, creating a brand, working in fashion agencies, and even working as a model.

Graduates can also work independently or as a designer in a company specializing in the fields of fashion, jewelry and accessories design, both nationally and internationally.

Additionally, graduates can work in specialized fields such as brand management, marketing and quality control in retail groups.

The amount of income after graduating from fashion design universities in Turkey

The average salary of a fashion designer after graduating from fashion design universities is between 3300 and 3800 Turkish liras.

The salaries of expert designers working in private companies can reach 10,000 Turkish liras or more per month.


Admission Exam to Fashion Design Universities in Turkey

The admission exam to the fashion design universities in Turkey is a test of the student’s practical skill.

In this test, students are tested in terms of artistic creativity to enter this field.

Admission criteria for universities are different, some universities rely on a test, while others rely on the basis of CV.

In general it can be said that in any case, the practical skills test for applicants is taken into account.

In the first stage of the test, which is designing, the student’s drawing is tested.

In the second stage, which is called mental design, the volunteer is given a topic and asked to depict a specific event or concept.

This stage shows the power of students’ imagination and creativity, so it is somewhat more difficult and important.


Documents required for enrollment in fashion design universities in Turkey

  • High school diploma translated into Turkish or English and notarized.
  • A copy of the passport.
  • Photos.
  • English or Turkish language proficiency certificate (such as TOEFL or IELTS), or a preparatory year application.

Fashion Design Tuition Fees in Turkey

Tuition fees for fashion design universities in Turkey range from 3000 to 12,000 Turkish lira per year at public universities.

In private universities, on average, it is about $3,000 per year.

There are also some additional costs for studying in fashion design, such as student housing, food, books and personal needs. And it can get up to 10,000 Turkish liras per year.

In addition to the above costs, there will be additional tuition fees for university students to study the foundation course in English or Turkish.


Master and PhD degrees in Fashion Design in Turkey

Graduates of a bachelor’s degree majoring in fashion design can continue their education in master’s and doctoral degrees, and academic specialization.

Depending on the field of study, students can focus their studies on a specific subject, for example fashion design (and children’s fashion, men’s fashion, women’s fashion, etc.), textile design and fashion accessory design.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fashion Design Universities in Turkey

What are the best fashion design universities in Turkey?

Istanbul Technical University, Marmara University, Istanbul Bilgi University, Yeditepe University and Atilim University are among the best universities to study fashion design in Turkey.

Is it possible to take preparatory language courses before studying fashion design in Turkey?

Yes, students can enroll in language preparation courses first.

Is it possible to work after graduating from a clothing design university in Turkey?

Yes, you can work in many fields in this country after graduation.


The best and most popular fashion design universities can be found in Istanbul.

How much is the income of fashion designers in Turkey after graduating?

The income of graduates of fashion design universities ranges between 3300 to 3800 Turkish liras, and in famous private companies the income of experienced fashion designers may reach 10,000+ Turkish liras.

Is it possible for me to complete my masters and PhD studies in Fashion Design in Turkey?

Yes, it is possible to study master’s and doctoral degrees in fashion design universities in Turkey.

Does the admission exam for fashion design in Turkey have a practical aspect?

Yes, the admission exam for fashion design universities in Turkey has a practical aspect as well.