Diyarbakir..the sit-in of the abductees’ mothers for a 758 day


The mothers of the kidnapped continued their sit-in in front of the headquarters of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) in the Turkish state of Diyarbakir for the 758th day, to demand the return of their kidnapped sons by the terrorist PKK organization.


The mothers accuse the HDP of being involved in deceiving and kidnapping young people and sending them to fight in the ranks of the organization.

Speaking on Wednesday, Sultana Gogir said that she is participating in the sit-in with the aim of recovering her son, “Dogan”, who was kidnapped 6 years ago.

She stressed that the mothers’ sit-in would continue until their children returned, adding: “So that the PKK knows that I will not leave this place until they return my son to me.”

In turn, Rahima Tashji explained that she is participating for the sake of her kidnapped son Farouk, calling on him to return and surrender to the Turkish authorities.

The sit-in of mothers began on September 3, 2019, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his support for them.


As well as supporting ministers, politicians, artists, journalists, writers, athletes, civic organizations, clergymen and all segments of society.

The sit-in is also supported by the “Srebrenica Mothers’ Association” in Bosnia and Herzegovina, European Parliament Member Tomas Zdechovsky, and ambassadors in Ankara who visited Diyarbakir and met the sit-in.