Corona… India records more than 43 thousand new infections


On Sunday, the Indian Ministry of Health announced the registration of 43,071 new cases of coronavirus and 955 deaths during the past 24 hours.

A statement issued by the Ministry of Health stated that the death toll from Corona in the country amounted to 402 thousand and 5 deaths, while the total number of injuries exceeded 30 million and 545 thousand injuries.


The number of active cases decreased to 485,350, according to the statement.

The statement indicated that the number of cases recovering daily exceeded the number of new infections for the 52nd consecutive day, as the recovery rate rose to 97.09 percent.

Officials confirm that the country is witnessing a general decrease in the number of infections after the second bloody wave.

Authorities in many cities are now allowing more activities to resume.

According to official data, more than 350 million doses of vaccine have been administered as part of the nationwide vaccination campaign against Corona, where health authorities have approved the use of 4 vaccines so far.