Bursa exports more than one billion dollars worth of goods in one month


According to the Turkish Exporters Association, the value of exports from the industrial city of Bursa in the first month of 2021 to 158 countries and the free zone in the world reached one billion, 142 million and 278 thousand dollars.

Most of the exports came from a stock exchange to Germany, and France and Italy ranked second and third, respectively.

As a total of 36.28% of the Bursa’s total exports in January went to Germany, France and Italy.

Exports from Bursa to Germany increased by 7.4% compared to the same period last year, to 164 million and 997 thousand dollars.

Exports from Bursa to France increased by 14.6% to $ 147,114,000.

And exports to Italy increased by 2.5% to 102 million and 369 thousand dollars.

In January, exports from the Bursa to the United States increased 109 percent from $ 32,584,000 to $ 68,102,000.

Most of the exports from Bursa were made in the automotive industry. The garment industry and exports ranks second.