A Message in the Turkish Language Day from President Erdogan


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan celebrated Turkish Language Day on September 26 with a message. In his message, President Erdoğan stated the following:


“The Turkish language in which we give meaning to life, our physical and spiritual world, is one of our greatest wealth as one of the oldest and most widely spoken languages ​​in the world.

This language was among the few languages ​​in the world, and it was an essential element in the formation of the national spirit, the acquisition and continuation of national identity, and it is necessary to protect our Turkish language, including all the richness of our language.

We must also continue to pay attention to the use of our Turkish language in order to nurture, protect and develop our living language.

In a world where technology is advancing rapidly and digital is pervasive in all areas of life, we must preserve our language in all its authenticity.


In addition to the use of Turkish as the language of arts, literature, science, and education, the production of oral and written works that contain the richness and depth of our language.

An important step in passing on our rich linguistic heritage to future generations will be raising the reputation of our Turkish language.

On this occasion, from Yunus Emre to Koroglu, from Yahya Kemal to Najib Fadel, and from Ashik Visel to Neshat ertash.

I gratefully greet the memory of all the masters of speech, pen, and speech experts who helped us bring the beauty of our Turkish language to us.


I hope that Turkish Language Day will be an occasion to keep our Turkish language alive and pass it on to future generations with all authenticity and depth, and I greet all citizens with the most sincere feelings.