United Nations data conflicted on the number of countries that abstained from voting at an extraordinary meeting on Ukraine held by the organization’s General Assembly on Wednesday.
The electronic board in the General Assembly hall showed that the number of countries that abstained from voting was 34.
As with the objection of 5 countries, in exchange for the overwhelming approval of the resolution by 141 (out of 193 countries).
But the President of the General Assembly, Abdullah Shahid, said while announcing the result of the vote during the meeting, that the number of countries that abstained from voting was 35.
The figures contained in the resolution document, which were distributed to representatives of Member States and journalists, supported the correctness of what was announced by the President of the General Assembly, which stated that the number of countries abstaining from voting was 35.
Three Arab countries abstained from voting, namely: Algeria, Sudan and Iraq, in addition to other countries, including Iran, India, China, Cuba, Mali and Kazakhstan.
On February 24, Russia launched a military attack on its neighbor Ukraine.
This prompted regional and international capitals and organizations to impose sanctions on Moscow that included multiple sectors, including diplomatic, economic, financial and sports.
The UN resolution was entitled “Aggression against Ukraine”, and affirmed the commitment of the members of the General Assembly to the sovereignty, independence and unity of Ukraine.
As well as its territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, which extend to its territorial waters.
The decision regretted what it described as “the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.”
He called on Moscow to “immediately desist from the use of force and to refrain from any threat or unlawful use of force against any member state.”
He also called on Moscow for the “immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal” of all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.