In July, 229,357 properties were sold in Turkey, an increase of 124.3% compared to July 2019. Istanbul came first with 39,432 properties sold and a share of 17.2%, followed by Ankara with 26,885 (11.7%) and Izmir with 15,614 properties (6.8%).
Mortgage sales were 130,721, an increase of 900.6% compared to July 2019. The share of loan sales in total sales was 57.0% (July 2019: 12.8%). In terms of mortgage sales, Istanbul topped the list with 24,000 home sales.
98,636 homes were funded through remittances. Self-financing transfers increased by 10.6% compared to July 2019. Istanbul ranked first with 15,432 home sales, and Ankara with 8,961 homes. Izmir followed with sales of 5,837 homes.
67,937 homes sold for the first time (new construction sales). The number of properties sold for the first time increased by 74.5% compared to July 2019.
The share of new real estate sales in Turkey in total home sales reached 29.6% (July 2019: 38.1), and in the sale of new buildings, Istanbul took the largest share after Ankara and Izmir.
A total of 161,420 homes were sold in used Turkish properties. Second-hand sales compared to July 2019 showed an increase of 155.0%.
Real estate sales in Turkey to foreigners decreased by 34.2% compared to the same month last year. The most popular provinces were Istanbul, Antalya, Ankara, Izmir and Yalova.