Ankara expresses concern over the escalation of tension in Tigray


The Turkish Foreign Ministry has expressed its concern about the escalation of tension again in the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia.


In a statement on Tuesday, the Turkish Foreign Ministry called for an end to the violence and the declaration of a ceasefire as soon as possible.

She affirmed that Turkey will continue to support all endeavors to achieve stability and peace in Ethiopia.

She commended the role of the African Union in its efforts to hold direct meetings between the parties to the conflict.

The region is witnessing violent clashes between the federal forces and allied elements on the one hand, and the fighters of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front on the other.


On Monday, officials in Ethiopia’s rebel-held region of Tigray announced that they were ready to heed the African Union’s calls for an immediate cessation of hostilities.

On Sunday, the African Union called on the parties to the conflict in Tigray to “re-engage” in peace negotiations, while violence escalates in the besieged region.

These negotiations were scheduled to start in South Africa this October, but they were delayed “for logistical reasons,” according to the Associated Press.

Fighting resumed between Tigray forces and the federal forces last August, which led to the end of the ceasefire in force since last March.


Since November 4, 2021, clashes have been renewed in the Tigray region between the federal army and the “Tigai People’s Liberation Front” with the aim of imposing control over it.