Turkish police arrest two ISIS financing suspects


The Turkish state of Izmir announced on Saturday the arrest of two suspects of financing individuals linked to ISIS in the PKK terrorist organization’s camps in Syria.


The state of Izmir said in a statement that the police forces carried out operations in a number of neighborhoods of the city on Wednesday, under the command and supervision of the Izmir Public Prosecution.

She added that the security forces arrested two suspects after their names were mentioned in the (official) report of the Financial Crimes Investigation Commission.

And their financing are individuals linked to the terrorist organization ISIS who are languishing in camps run by the terrorist PKK organization in Syria.

It is noteworthy that “PKK” is being held in a number of camps, most notably “Roj”, “Al-Hol” and Ain Issa, civilians fleeing the clashes that took place with ISIS, as well as ISIS families.


In the same context, Konya (central) police arrested a fugitive who was sentenced to 6 years and 8 months in prison on charges of belonging to ISIS.

Security sources said that the police arrested the fugitive in Konya and referred him to prison.