“Turkish Cargo” ..the first in Europe in the field of air freight


The Turkish Cargo Company (Turkish Cargo) ranked first in Europe and fourth globally among air freight companies around the world.


This came according to a report by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), which included statistics related to international air freight.

A statement issued by the media office of Turkish Airlines stated that “Turkish Cargo” increased its turnover by 32 percent during the past year, to be ranked first in Europe.

Ahmed Bulat, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Turkish Airlines, expressed their happiness for obtaining this benefit at the European and global levels.

He added that Turkish Cargo has become the fastest growing air freight brand in the world.


He pointed out that they adopt a “sensitive role” in enhancing global trade competition through their contributions to supply lines and enhancing the status of air freight.

He confirmed that they aim for Turkish Cargo to become one of the top 3 air freight companies in the world by 2025.

Turkish Cargo is a subsidiary of Turkish Airlines, but since 2000 it has become a global brand under its own name.

Turkish Cargo was one of the most important air freight companies that played a major role in transporting medical supplies during 2020, coinciding with the world’s suffering from the Corona epidemic.


During 2020, Turkish Cargo won the “Best Air Cargo Company of the Year 2020” award, presented annually by “Payload Asia” magazine (based in Singapore), and won the “Best Cargo Airline in Europe” award.