Turkish aid to 10 thousand Yemenis through “Cansio” and “Wifa” organizations


About 10,000 poor and displaced Yemenis in 6 governorates benefited from food aid provided by the Turkish relief organizations, “Gansio” and “Wifa”.

The Yemeni “Humanitarian Access” (non-governmental organization implementing projects) said on Saturday in a statement.


“About 3500 individuals benefited from aid provided by the (non-governmental) Gansio Relief Organization (non-governmental) during the first half of Ramadan.

She also added that the aid “included the distribution of Ramadan food baskets made of rice, sugar and oil.”

In addition to dates and pasta for 500 poor and displaced families, in addition to distributing breakfast meals to 500 people.”

She explained that the aid “was distributed to the poor, the displaced, and the needy in 3 governorates.”

These are Ibb, Hadramawt, and the displaced in the Ma’rib governorate of Sana’a governorate.

In the same context, the “Humanitarian Access” association indicated in a separate statement that the Turkish “Wifa” (non-governmental) organization “provided food aid to more than 6 thousand people.”

She pointed out that the aid was “the distribution of food baskets, consisting of flour, rice, sugar and oil, to 300 poor families in the governorates of Al-Jawf, Al-Mahrah and Shabwa.”


It also indicated that “Wifa” also provided “5,000 fasting breakfasts,” stressing that “the implementation process for these projects was carried out in accordance with the precautions and preventive measures followed to confront the outbreak of the Coronavirus.”

She confirmed that this aid, which was distributed during the first half of Ramadan, “contributed to alleviating the suffering of the displaced, poor, and affected families, and the families of orphans.”

Turkey provides relief and development projects and programs through relief organizations and agencies in various Yemeni governorates.

And which is experiencing difficult humanitarian conditions as a result of the ongoing war in the country for the past 7 years.

Where Yemen is witnessing a war that has claimed the lives of 233,000, and 80 percent of the population of about 30 million people have become dependent on aid in the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, according to the United Nations.