The asset volumes of companies operating in the manufacturing sector in Turkey increased by about 5 times in the 2019-2023 period to reach 11.7 trillion liras.
According to the information collected from the results of the “2023 Sector Balance Sheets” research conducted in cooperation with the Turkish Statistical Institute and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, 173,471 companies operated in the manufacturing sector in 2023 and the number of employees in these companies was recorded at 3 million 765 thousand 894 employees.
It was observed that companies operating in the sector that shows the country’s strength in production have been increasing their assets steadily in the past five years, with the total asset volume of these companies reaching approximately 2.4 trillion liras in 2019, and companies in the sector were able to increase their assets during the period when some of them suffered from the Covid-19 pandemic.
The assets of companies amounted to 3 trillion liras in 2020, 4.9 trillion liras in 2021, 8.8 trillion liras in 2022 and 11.7 trillion liras in 2023.
Thus, the total assets of companies increased by about 5 times in the period 2019-2023, and the equity increased by about 5.3 times,
The companies whose assets increased in the mentioned period increased their equity.
The total equity of companies operating in the manufacturing sector was approximately 800 billion liras in 2019, and these companies increased their equity regularly in the following years and increased it to 4.3 trillion liras in 2023.
Thus, the equity size of the companies involved increased by 5.3 times in the last five years, and the total sales increased by 5.5 times.
The total sales of companies operating in the manufacturing sector in Turkey increased by 452.8 percent in the 2019-2023 period from 2.6 trillion liras to 14.2 trillion liras.
The companies in the sector were able to increase their domestic and international sales during this period, as the total sales of domestic companies increased from 1.8 trillion liras to 10.6 trillion liras, their total international sales increased from 724.7 billion liras to 3.4 trillion liras, and other revenues recorded 193 billion liras during this period.