Turkey: The continuation of the positive atmosphere with Greece


Turkey stressed that the continuation of the recent positive atmosphere in its relations with Greece will benefit both sides and the region.

This came in a statement issued by the National Security Council on Thursday, following its meeting chaired by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in the capital, Ankara.

The statement indicated that the recent developments in Iraq helped to understand the true intention of those who provided the terrorist organization “PKK / YBG” with all kinds of equipment, including helicopters.


He stressed the importance of restoring life to its previous state in the southern regions of the country that were hit by the double earthquake on February 6, adding: “Procedures aimed at overcoming all the negative effects of the earthquake disaster on the peace and well-being of citizens and elements of national strength in the country were discussed.”

He pointed out that the Council was briefed on information about successful operations with determination inside and outside the country against all forms of dangers and threats to national unity and solidarity, on top of which are the PKK/KGK-BYD/YPG, Gulen, and ISIS terrorists.

He stressed that Turkey is determined to completely eliminate the separatist terrorist organization and all its extensions, despite all the support behind it, and that it will not allow the establishment of a terrorist corridor along its borders.