Turkey.. “Sümela Monastery” hosts thousands of tourists during Eid


10,564 tourists visited the ancient “Sümela Monastery” in the state of Trabzon, northeastern Turkey, during the days of Eid al-Fitr.

The monastery is located on the slope of the Altin Dara Valley in the Karadag Mountain in the Machka region, and is included in the Tentative List of World Cultural Heritage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Heritage Organization (UNESCO).

The monastery, also known as the Monastery of the Virgin Mary, is carved into the rocks at an altitude of 300 meters and blends nature with history and culture.

According to data from officials of the Culture and Tourism Directorate in Trabzon, the total number of tourists who visited the Sümela Monastery during the holiday reached 10,564 people from Turkey and other countries.

Shula Keskin said that she came to visit Trabzon from the state of Erzurum in northeastern Turkey, and that the “Sümela Monastery” impressed her very much.

In turn, Recep Çakir said that he came from the state of Istanbul in northwestern Turkey, calling on everyone to visit the “Sümela Monastery” and see the historical fabric of the region.