Turkey.. A busy schedule awaits Parliament in the new week


There is a busy schedule awaiting the association in the new week in Turkey, and the law of the teaching profession will be discussed in the committee.


The legal infrastructure for the new economic model is being created, and an 18-point economic law proposal will be discussed in the General Assembly.

In the new period, the state’s contribution to the private pension system will increase from 25 percent to 30 percent, and the legal framework for “currency-protected Turkish lira term deposits” will be drawn up.

With this proposal, a gradual pricing period for natural gas will begin, as the price of natural gas supply will change according to the amount of use.

While the lowest pension will be 200,000 liras, a 1% corporate tax reduction will be arranged for exporting companies.


The Teaching Profession Law also comes to the National Education Committee with the regulation aimed at replacing teaching in professional professions, and 4 different jobs will be created for teachers.

Those who have taught for 10 years will also be able to become specialized teachers, as specialist teachers can also be promoted to chief teachers, in addition, 3000 600 additional indicators will be given to teachers.

The AKP group will also hold its first group meeting of the New Year this week, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will deliver his messages from the group’s podium on Wednesday.


The CHP and MHP group meetings will take place on Tuesday as every week and the leaders’ agenda will be on the latest developments in economics and politics.