Turkey… 91 new deaths due to the Coronavirus


On Monday, Turkey recorded 91 deaths and 22,898 cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours.

According to the data of the Ministry of Health, 270,426 tests were conducted to detect corona throughout the country.

The country also witnessed the recovery of 5,947 people from infection with the virus.


The total number of first, second, and third doses provided to date reached 73 million and 809 thousand and 477.

The Turkish Foundation for Medicines and Medical Devices approves 3 vaccines for emergency use: the Russian “Sputnik-V”, the Chinese “Sinovac”, and the German-American “Piontech-Pfizer”.

On January 14, Turkey launched a vaccination campaign against Corona, starting with health workers and then the elderly, as part of a priority schedule for the segments that will be vaccinated.