“Trabzon Aquarium” receives 293 thousand visitors in a year


More than 293,000 people visited Trabzon Aquarium, the aquarium in the Turkish state of Trabzon, overlooking the Black Sea, within a year.

The basin is located between the valleys of Zagnos and Tabhana in the Ortahisar district of Trabzon, northern Turkey, and includes more than 5,000 marine organisms of 80 species.

In a statement to reporters, Ahmed Metin Ganç, mayor of OrtaHisar, said on Saturday that the basin has received 293,718 visitors, including 36,913 foreigners, since its opening on May 19, 2022.


The length of the basin is 193 meters and includes a special section for the living creatures that live in freshwater and another that includes reptiles and amphibians, as well as a non-aquatic section for displaying bats and swamp creatures.

One of the most noticeable things in the aquarium is the presence of a huge crocodile.

In a special room, the aquarium displays a shark, as well as photographing the stages of its emergence from eggs and even its large shape.

The basin is not satisfied with displaying aquatic organisms only, but also gives its visitors the opportunity to see the shapes and plants found at the bottom of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.