The CHP announce the debate on forest fires in Turkey


The second workshop of the CHP’s 2019 Forest Fire Workshop was announced this weekend, hosted by Mugla and Metropolitan Municipality.

The CHP is organizing a workshop in Mugla as it is one of the provinces most affected by forest fires this year.

The main theme of the workshop hosted by the Greater Mugla Municipality will also be “We are born from the ashes”.

The workshop will start at the Gazi Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Cultural Center in Mantaş at 9.30 am on Saturday 28 August and will continue throughout the day.


Turkish Forestry Discussion

In the second workshop held for the first time in 2019 by the Mugla Metropolitan Municipality, Turkish forestry, especially forest fire fighting, will be discussed.

Issues such as reconstruction, rehabilitation, and aerial intervention in forest fires will be discussed.

In the first part of the workshop, Istanbul University faculty members Dr. Kenan Ok, Dr. Unal Akimek, Dr. Doganay Tolunai, retired forest fire ecologist Professor Tuncay Nishi attended.

In addition to being a lecturer at Bartin University, he will convey the views of several academics.

In the second session, forest associations, unions, and participants from the Central Union of Forest Cooperatives of Turkey (OR-KOOP) will discuss issues such as problems during fires and the way to deal with fires.


Kılıçdaroğlu giving the opening speech

CHP Chairman Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will attend the opening of the workshop and give a speech.

Kilicdaroglu will also inspect the fire-affected areas in Mugla the day before the workshop.

Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will get information about the places affected by the fire, especially in Marmaris, Milas, and Bodrum, and meet with the citizens.