Russia announces control of the city of “Mariopol” Ukrainian


Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shuigo said on Thursday that his country has dominated the coastal city of Mariopol besieged in Ukraine except the Azavalad Metal factory.

“Mariopol has been edited by the Russian armed forces in cooperation with the Popular militia forces of the popular Donetsk Republic.”


“The capital of the Ashov National Battalion, which includes two militants fighting among the Ukrainian army,” said Shuego Mariopol.

The Russian minister described Mariopol as a “strong and fortified area equipped with a large number of heavy weapons and military equipment.”

Russian Defense Minister claimed that Ukrainian forces use civilians as human shields, stressing that “the Russian side took all actions to preserve civilian lives.”

Shuego suggested the breakthrough of the Anzafstal factory for the Ukrainian forces, but President Putin called on Russian troops not to break into and treated Ukrainian forces on a good way.

Thousands of people in Mariopol have become over the past few days with little food and water.


However, human rights groups are not able to reach the city, a UN team reported increasing evidence of mass graves in Mariopol.

The last month, Matilda Bogner, president of the United Nations Human Rights Control Mission in Ukraine said.

“We got increasing information about the presence of collective graves” in Mariopol, noting that some evidence came from satellite images.

On 24 February, Russia launched an attack on Ukraine, followed by international rejection and severe economic sanctions on Moscow.


Which requires to end its processes to abandon Kyiv on plans to join military entities and the commitment of neutrality, which is the latter “interference in its sovereignty.”